
Best CBD Gummies for Anxiety 2024 – Benefits, Side Effects, Reviews, Price & Where to buy?

Read Our International CBD Gummies for Anxiety Review

The market for CBD has experienced significant growth, driven by emerging scientific support for its potential health benefits through moderate consumption.

Allow us to elucidate the beneficial effects of CBD on the human body. First and foremost, CBD-infused edibles, oils, and tinctures exhibit remarkable analgesic properties, proving beneficial in the management of chronic pain. In addition, CBD demonstrates its ability to promote emotional balance, reduce stress levels, and alleviate anxiety. Notably, CBD-enriched edibles exhibit neuroprotective properties, potentially reducing the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

These benefits only scratch the surface of the potential of CBD products, highlighting the rise of the CBD industry. Today, our editorial team has meticulously researched and compiled a list of the safest and most potent CBD gummies tailored for anxiety relief. Dive into our coverage for comprehensive insights.

2024’s Best CBD Gummies For Anxiety

   Best Product
 Harmony Leaf CBD Gummies ImageProLife CBD Gummies ImageGreenhouse Pure CBD Gummies Image
ProductHarmony Leaf CBD
Pro Life
EffectsReduces Anxiety
Promotes Sleep
Enhances Focues
Promotes Sleep
Enhances Mood
Boosts Immunity
Alleviates Anxiety
Reduces Pain
Amplifies Mental Clarity
Side EffectsNO side effectsNO side effectsNO side effects
Content30 Gummies30 Gummies30 Gummies
Dosage1 Gummie daily1 Gummie daily1 Gummie daily
Enough for30 days30 days30 days
 Buy now whiteBuy now whiteBuy now!

Best Product: Greenhouse Research Pure CBD Gummies

​Test winner #1
Greenhouse Pure CBD Gummies Image
Greenhouse Research Pure CBD Gummies
  • Alleviates Anxiety & Depression
  • Enriches Mood & Mindset
  • Amplifies Focus & Mental Clarity

Pure CBD Gummies contain a full-spectrum CBD oil infusion that encompasses the full range of beneficial constituents inherent to the cannabis plant, including cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.

Each of these constituents within the cannabis plant exerts distinct biochemical influences, and research indicates an enhanced benefit when the full spectrum of constituents work together, a phenomenon known as the “entourage effect. In essence, Pure CBD Gummies exhibit greater potency and accelerated efficacy due to the inclusion of full-spectrum CBD oil extract.

Addressing persistent discomfort, alleviating anxiety and stress via serotonin elevation, improving mood and cognitive disposition, enhancing memory, focus and mental clarity, and potentially mitigating cognitive degeneration associated with aging are among the potential benefits.

Product features:

Manufacturer: Greenhouse
Pros: Reduces Chronic Aches & Pain, Promotes Weight Loss, 100 % All Natural & Pure CBD Oil
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Second Place: Pro Life CBD Gummies

​Second #2
ProLife Labs CBD Gummies Image
Pro Life CBD Gummies
  • Relieves Chronic Pain
  • Reduces Anxiety
  • Promotes Better Sleep

Pro Life is a celebrated CBD supplement that provides an easily accessible means of ingesting cannabidiol, a benign derivative of hemp known for its many health benefits. Delivered in the form of delicious chewable gummy bears, they provide a convenient means of consumption.

Distinguished by its ability to alleviate stress, anxiety, and chronic pain without side effects, this supplement departs from traditional methods by addressing the fundamental roots of these ailments.

Produced in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility, each capsule of the supplement meets essential health criteria. The components used are procured in their purest state, underscoring their suitability for human consumption.

Product features:

Manufacturer: Pro Life
Pros: Strengthens Immunity, Enhances Mood, Activates serotonin
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Third Place: Harmony Leaf CBD Gummies

​Third #3
Harmony Leaf CBD Gummies Image
Harmony Leaf CBD Gummies
  • Relieves Anxiety & Stress
  • Promotes Healthy Sleep
  • Enhances Focus & Clarity

Harmony Leaf CBD Gummies have gained significant popularity as an alternative remedy for individuals struggling with persistent ailments. Derived from the hemp plant, these gummies work by targeting the body’s pain receptors and inducing a calming effect, providing respite from pain, stress, anxiety, and related adverse symptoms.

These gummies provide a delicious and cost-effective solution to pain management by activating the CBD inherent in your system. As outlined on the company’s official website, incorporating a daily regimen of these CBD-infused gummies promises comprehensive restoration for both mind and body.

Prominent as an edible supplement, Harmony Leaf CBD gummies deliver the multiple benefits of CBD in an easily ingestible, flavorful gummy format. Crafted utilizing premium CBD sourced from legal hemp cultivars, each gummy houses 25mg of CBD, presenting an accessible approach to meeting your daily CBD requirements.

Boasting a composition of 99% pure CBD extract and natural sweeteners, Harmony Leaf CBD gummies encompass a range of health benefits. Recognized for its potential in alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, inflammation, chronic pain, and various ailments, CBD finds its place in these gummies. Additionally, the inclusion of organic stevia leaf extract enhances their profile by demonstrating an ability to improve blood sugar levels and mitigate diabetic effects.

A salient attribute of Harmony Leaf CBD Gummies 25mg is their adherence to vegan, gluten-free, and all-natural principles. Unlike numerous competing consumables, these gummies are free of artificial preservatives and dyes. To reinforce their quality and potency, third-party laboratory testing validates their composition. The convenience of a single daily gummy provides the benefits of CBD without the complexities associated with smoking or vaping.

Product features:

Manufacturer: Harmony Leaf CBD
Pros: Relieves Aches, Helps Quit smoking Addiction
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Fourth Place: All in One Gummies

​Fourth #4
All in One Gummies Image
All in One Gummies
  • Support overall wellness
  • Boosts Immunity
  • Reduce Anxiety

Chill Plus All in One Gummies are a comprehensive wellness solution designed to provide a range of benefits in a single product. These gummies offer a convenient way to incorporate several health-promoting elements into your daily routine. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals and natural compounds, they are designed to support overall wellness.

From boosting immunity and promoting relaxation to helping you sleep better and maintaining a balanced inflammatory response, these gummies offer a holistic approach to maintaining good health. In addition, they are formulated to help reduce anxiety, further enhancing their potential positive impact on your well-being. With their all-inclusive formulation, Chill Plus Gummies simplify your daily supplement intake while offering the benefits of multiple wellness ingredients in one bite.

Product features:

Manufacturer: Chill Plus
Pros: Supports better sleep
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Fifth Place: Original Mixed Berry CBD Gummies

Fifth #5
CBDfx Gummies Image
Original Mixed Berry CBD Gummies
  • Provide quality sleep
  • Reduce anxiety and tension
  • Reduce Stress

The CBDfx Original Mixed Berry CBD Gummies stand out as a remarkable wellness product infused with the benefits of CBD. Designed to provide a convenient and enjoyable experience, these gummies are made with a blend of natural ingredients and CBD extract. Their primary goal is to support overall wellness by promoting relaxation, balance, and a sense of calm.

These gummies offer a delicious mixed berry flavor that enhances the consumption experience while delivering the potential benefits of CBD. One of the key strengths of CBDfx Original Mixed Berry CBD Gummies is their potential to reduce anxiety and contribute to an improved sense of mental well-being. In addition, they are formulated to address various aspects of health, such as stress reduction and relaxation.

While these gummies may not have secured a top spot, they remain a commendable choice for individuals seeking the potential benefits of CBD in a tasty and convenient format. With their ability to potentially aid in anxiety relief and their comprehensive approach to wellness, CBDfx Original Mixed Berry CBD Gummies offer a well-rounded option for those interested in exploring the benefits of CBD supplementation.

Product features:

Manufacturer: CBDfx
Pros: Supports better sleep
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Factors influencing the ranking

This section delves into the criteria used in formulating our compilation of superior CBD gummies. Let’s get started:

  1. Brand Eminence
    The eminence of manufacturers or brands is directly related to the caliber and reliability of CBD gummies. Given the investment in health associated with CBD gummy consumption, prudence prevails. Fortunately, the featured CBD gummies are from established and reputable brands in the CBD sector. Such stature attests to the quality of ingredients and consumer satisfaction, affirming the safety of CBD gummies for widespread use.

  2. Claimed health benefits
    Encounters with CBD products and companies making exaggerated therapeutic claims are commonplace. Crucially, CBD-infused gummies and oils are not curative agents, but rather allies in improving health. Our selection includes CBD gummies that support tangible health benefits, particularly stress and anxiety relief – consistent with CBD’s general properties. Additional health enhancements are possible when gummies include natural additives such as amino acids, multivitamins, MCTs, and essential minerals.

  3. External Laboratory Testing
    External or third party laboratory validation is proving to be crucial for CBD gummies. Understanding its importance is essential. Third-party labs substantiate hemp potency and authenticity within CBD gummies, certifying the veracity of advertised health benefits. Transparency is further upheld as these labs mandate explicit disclosure of the CBD company’s formula on product labels, informing consumers of the CBD blend and dosage. Therefore, a wise selection hinges on opting for gummies that have undergone third-party lab evaluation. Our editorial team has done the meticulous groundwork, unveiling the paramount CBD gummies in adherence to this rigorous criterion.

  4. Natural Ingredients
    In the pursuit of health improvement through CBD gummies, an aversion to stimulants or synthetic additives that exacerbate health issues is paramount. Fortunately, our list of top CBD gummies includes only products that are free of artificial ingredients. As a result, your confidence in their safety and efficacy remains unshaken, ensuring a health boost without adverse effects.

  5. Source of CBD
    The most important consideration when evaluating CBD gummies is the source of the CBD – whether it is derived from hemp or marijuana. Hemp, with its negligible 0.3% THC content, is legal in the U.S., effectively filtering out addictive properties. In contrast, marijuana-derived CBD with elevated THC levels has the potential to induce psychotropic effects. Our editorial rigor ensures exclusive representation of CBD gummies sourced from organic, US-grown hemp, a prudent choice.

  6. Transparency
    Opacity surrounding CBD edibles is unfortunately a recurring theme among companies. Vigilance is required when considering CBD gummies, as market offerings may mislead potential consumers into purchasing harmful products. However, our compendium is replete with examples of CBD gummies that embrace openness, open ingredient disclosure, and genuine user reviews. These offerings empower prudent choices regarding personal consumption.

Scientific Basis of CBD Gummies for Anxiety Relief

The field of clinical validation of CBD has become a subject of fervent discourse. In this segment of our discourse, we will examine the scientific basis behind the use of CBD gummies for anxiety relief, along with their purported benefits:

Anxiety Management and Beyond
Anxiety management is one conceivable benefit of CBD. The Permanente Journal published a 2019 study illustrating CBD’s remarkable anxiety reduction, with 79% of participants experiencing reduced anxiety levels. Additionally, the Journal of Clinical Psychology documented CBD’s effectiveness in improving social anxiety disorder.

CBD’s mode of action involves interaction with the ECS, which regulates the release of neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin and dopamine) central to mood control. Complemented by anti-inflammatory properties, CBD’s potential extends to anxiety and PTSD symptom relief.

Joint Pain Relief
The intricate endocannabinoid system (ECS), which includes receptors and neurotransmitters that control various physiological processes including pain and inflammation, is CBD’s interface within the body. CBD’s engagement with these receptors results in the reduction of pain and inflammation.

A 2015 European Journal of Pain study documented the reduction of arthritis-induced joint swelling and pain in rats through the application of CBD gel. This finding positions CBD as a potential remedy for human arthritis pain. In parallel, a 2016 Journal of Pain study reported the efficacy of CBD in reducing pain and improving sleep in chronic pain patients, particularly those suffering from arthritis.

Improving sleep quality
CBD interfaces with the ECS, a conductor of vital functions, including sleep regulation. Disruption of this system impairs sleep patterns and underlies sleep disorders. CBD intervenes to restore ECS balance and promote healthy sleep. Empirical research on CBD’s effects on sleep is extensive.

In a 2019 study in The Permanente Journal, CBD demonstrated efficacy in improving sleep quality and reducing anxiety in patients with anxiety and sleep disorders. Out of 72 participants, 66.7% experienced improved sleep quality.

Increasing energy levels
CBD’s role in energy enhancement depends on sleep and stress modulation, counteracting fatigue triggers. Clinical Psychopharmacology and Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry studies showed improved sleep in anxiety patients. Rat studies (Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) showed increased alertness and decreased sleepiness after CBD consumption. Notably, a Journal of Clinical Investigation study showed increased alertness and decreased REM sleep in humans.

Promoting gut health
Neurogastroenterology and Motility and European Journal of Pharmacology studies confirmed CBD’s ability to reduce intestinal inflammation and improve intestinal motility. Metabolism and fat cell modulation relevant to weight loss are also evident. CBD’s conversion of white fat cells into calorie-burning brown fat cells is supported by studies in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.

PTSD Symptom Relief
Numerous studies have examined the viability of CBD for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A 2019 study, published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, revealed a significant decrease in PTSD symptoms for 91% of participants exposed to CBD. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology demonstrated CBD’s ameliorative effects on anxiety and sleep disturbances in PTSD sufferers.

Seizure risk reduction
The ubiquity of epilepsy and the burden of seizures underscore CBD’s potential. In 2018, the FDA approved Epidiolex, a CBD-derived drug, for the treatment of rare forms of epilepsy. Various studies confirm CBD’s seizure-reducing potential. A 2017 New England Journal of Medicine study reported a 39% reduction in seizure frequency in patients with Dravet syndrome. A 2019 Journal of Epilepsy Research study highlighted a 50% or greater reduction in seizure frequency for 71% of epilepsy patients.

Advantages of CBD gummies for anxiety

  • CBD gummies offer convenience, potentially trumping traditional pills or tinctures in terms of ease of administration.
  • Some studies suggest that CBD may induce a more favorable tolerability compared to conventional psychiatric medications.
  • Research underscores the potential of CBD gummies to improve anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, and daily functioning in individuals struggling with mental health issues.
  • The gummies’ pleasant flavor is appealing to those who dislike the taste of CBD oil.
  • Notable improvements have been observed in those who incorporate CBD into their regimens.

Disadvantages of CBD gummies for anxiety

  • A potential increase in the risk of liver damage has been associated with CBD use.
  • One particular study documented vivid dreams and sedation in 9.9% of participants, warranting consideration of potential side effects.
  • Taking CBD gummies with food causes a delay in absorption, which affects the onset of effects.
  • The unregulated nature of CBD products raises concerns about inconsistent concentrations of active ingredients compared to advertised claims.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals are cautioned against CBD use due to lack of comprehensive safety data.

CBD’s effects on tryptophan and serotonin

CBD exhibits a suppressive effect on cytokine-triggered tryptophan catabolism. As a result, it increases tryptophan levels in inactive brain regions, creating a passive baseline increase. This elevation of tryptophan, a key component in serotonin synthesis, may lead to increased serotonin levels.

CBD’s Potential for IBS Therapy

CBD oil has shown potential in treating the hypermotility symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that result from inflammatory mechanisms. CB1 receptors exert inhibitory effects on the digestive system through anti-inflammatory pathways.

CBD’s interaction with GABA receptors

By binding to GABAA receptor subtypes, CBD supports neurological anticonvulsant and anxiolytic effects. In contrast to competitive binding with the benzodiazepine receptor, CBD acts distinctively, potentially benefiting benzodiazepine-resistant individuals. This mechanism also offers the prospect of tailoring CBD to specific GABA receptors.

CBD’s role in pain perception

CBD binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors, G-protein coupled receptors that modulate cyclic AMP. CB1 receptors, which are more abundant than CB2, are concentrated in regions of the central nervous system, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system responsible for nociceptive functions, suggesting involvement in pain mediation pathways.

Anxiety relief with CBD

Beyond binding to the GABA-A receptor subtype, CBD exhibits anti-anxiety effects by interacting with 5-HT1 receptors as an agonist. These effects are distinct from those induced by the CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptors. This means that CBD oil’s effects extend beyond cannabinoid receptor-mediated functions, opening up new avenues for anxiety management.

Exploring Alternatives for Anxiety

The Anxiety & Depression Association of America emphasizes the need to consult a health care professional or mental health professional before embarking on alternative treatments for anxiety. Notable approaches include

  • Acupuncture
  • Meditation and mindfulness practices
  • Stress and relaxation techniques
  • Yoga

While scientific validation of alternative treatments remains limited, certain options show potential efficacy in reducing anxiety:

  • Magnesium Blends
  • Kava Kava
  • Lavender

In addition, research shows the anxiety-reducing capacity of ashwagandha extract, although further research is warranted.

Identifying the right time to seek professional intervention

Transient anxiety is an inherent part of everyday life, associated with personal encounters. In contrast, anxiety disorders represent a distinct domain amenable to diagnosis and treatment by medical or mental health professionals. Persistent anxiety resists relief and escalates to the point of interfering with daily activities.

Signs that warrant professional intervention include

  • Erosion of once enjoyable pursuits
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Preoccupation with anxious thoughts
  • Difficulty concentrating

The culmination of these symptoms underscores the need to seek professional help to ensure a comprehensive solution.

Proper administration of CBD gummies

The manner in which CBD gummies are ingested is a matter of personal choice. Similar to other chewable supplements or gummies, complete mastication before swallowing is recommended. It’s also important to note that consuming CBD gummies with a meal can increase the absorption of CBD into the body. To ensure optimal CBD gummy consumption tailored to individual needs, it is recommended to follow the instructions on the product label or seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Is overconsumption of CBD a problem?

Contrary to popular belief that CBD is completely non-toxic, it’s important to acknowledge that overconsumption is a potential problem. This is true for several substances, even water (referred to as hyperhydration or water intoxication). The risk of overconsumption becomes more pronounced when dealing with concentrated extracts.

Two specific thresholds deserve our attention:

First, the 1,500mg threshold represents the safe daily dose of CBD for the human body. This dosage serves as a benchmark for prudent consumption.

To put this in context, many premium full-spectrum CBD oils boast concentrations of 3,000mg and are formulated for month-long use. Consequently, consuming half a bottle in a single day would be an excessive and irresponsible intake, a scenario unlikely to occur unintentionally.

It’s important to note that exceeding this threshold does not necessarily result in immediate harm. Scientific evidence supports the notion that humans can safely consume up to 1,500 mg daily. However, exceeding this limit increases the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Secondly, the LD50 of CBD in monkeys is estimated to be in the range of 15,000 to 20,000mg, considering the average human body weight. However, it’s important to recognize that while our genetic makeup is similar to that of monkeys, there are significant differences. Furthermore, these amounts were administered intravenously, as opposed to orally or sublingually.

Taking the lower end of this range, and even accounting for interspecies differences and the non-intravenous nature of consumption, a considerable 5 bottles of potent CBD oil would be required to approach dangerous levels. In essence, while the potential for CBD overconsumption exists, the quantities required for such an event are remarkably large.

Safety of CBD use during pregnancy

Navigating the safety of CBD use during pregnancy is a complex matter, paralleling the complexity of the issue itself. Federal laws place restrictions on cannabis research, largely due to marijuana’s Schedule 1 classification under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Despite widespread legalization at the state level, marijuana remains a Schedule 1 substance at the federal level, categorized by its high potential for abuse and perceived lack of therapeutic value. This classification presents a hurdle for researchers seeking to study the effects of CBD.

There remains a notable gap in comprehensive human studies evaluating the effects of CBD use during pregnancy on fetal development and maternal health. The paucity of such research has been attributed in part to this regulatory context, leading to a cautious perspective on CBD during pregnancy. While human studies are scarce, reference is often made to animal studies that suggest potential hazards of CBD exposure during fetal development.

This uncertain terrain leads many experts to advise against the use of CBD or CBD-containing products during pregnancy. The backdrop of limited research underscores the complexity of this issue and warrants prudent discretion and alignment with medical guidelines when considering CBD use during pregnancy.

CBD use while breastfeeding

As with CBD use during pregnancy, there is a dearth of research on CBD use during lactation or breastfeeding. Existing data suggests that, similar to THC, CBD could potentially be transferred to nursing infants through breast milk, with potential short- and long-term consequences. A prospective study of 20 lactating individuals in 2021 demonstrated that CBD mirrored THC in terms of breast milk accumulation. Another study followed participants six to eight weeks postpartum and found that lactating cannabis users had altered breast milk composition compared to non-users.

Shedding light on the delicate regulation of retail CBD products, significant concerns arise. Cases highlighted on the FDA website highlight situations where brands have illegally promoted health claims on packaging or online platforms, resulting in FDA citations. The caveat is that commercially available CBD products may deviate from label claims, including elevated or inadequate CBD content, or even the absence of CBD.

Variations in hemp cultivation and processing processes could potentially introduce contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, or elevated THC levels into these products. The collective uncertainty surrounding the effects of CBD during breastfeeding underscores the importance of caution, complemented by adherence to expert advice and a comprehensive understanding of product origin and quality.

Using a variety of CBD products

When considering the equivalency between 2 drops of CBD oil and 2 CBD gummies, a balanced approach is to take 1 drop of oil and 1 gummy. This strategy maintains a consistent intake while utilizing a variety of CBD products. This approach not only allows for the use of different products in one’s possession, but also has the potential to extend the duration of the desired effects.

Administering CBD oil sublingually, under the tongue, provides rapid results within minutes, with effects lasting for several hours. Conversely, consuming CBD through gummies requires passage through the digestive tract, which can take around 30 minutes or more to take effect. In addition, the effects of gummies are likely to outlast those of sublingual CBD.

Risk considerations when combining CBD products

In the context of consuming multiple CBD products, there is a notable likelihood of exceeding optimal dosage levels. Several concerns arise:

  • While CBD is generally well tolerated, the likelihood of adverse reactions increases with higher doses. Overconsumption of CBD oil and CBD gummies can cause discomfort such as nausea, gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, headache, and irritability.
  • While these reactions are rarely severe or life-threatening, they are still uncomfortable and can be minimized by adhering to appropriate and tolerable dosages.

Variable results

The premise that increased consumption leads to better results is not universally true. The efficacy of a single drop does not guarantee enhanced effects with a larger quantity, and escalating dosages may introduce new risks.

While it’s tempting to adopt this mindset, it can lead to unintended consequences. Optimal effects may be achieved with a minimal amount, and increasing the dosage may result in adverse outcomes.

In conclusion, Adopting a combined regimen of different CBD products can offer benefits in terms of variety and potentially longer-lasting effects. However, it’s important to exercise caution to avoid overconsumption, given the potential for adverse effects, financial implications, and the unpredictable relationship between dosage and outcomes.

Understanding the difference between CBD Gummies and CBD Oil Drops

In the realm of CBD consumption, the choice between CBD gummies and CBD oil drops holds significance. CBD gummies, touted for their premium components and absence of harmful additives, are widely regarded as a potent means of CBD intake.

In contrast, CBD oil drops contain carrier oils such as MCT oil or hemp seed oil. These drops are placed under the tongue and held for a short period of time to facilitate absorption. While both methods are generally considered safe and effective, the comparative convenience of gummies versus the more complicated nature of oil drops requires consideration.

Determining the preferred method of consumption depends on individual preferences. Opting for CBD gummies offers simplicity and eliminates the need for measuring, making them an ideal choice for those seeking a hassle-free approach. Conversely, CBD oil drops may appeal to those who are comfortable with the use of a dropper and desire faster absorption rates. Delve deeper into the ingredients of CBD gummies to determine their specific CBD content.

Navigating the Choice of the Right CBD Product

The gamut of CBD offerings encompasses a diverse array of choices, fostering a challenge in pinpointing the most suitable option. Understand the rationale behind CBD gummies for a comprehensive perspective.

Examination of CBD gummies

Gummies emerge as a pragmatic choice for those who prefer convenience, portability, and ease of consumption in a CBD product. The modus operandi involves the mere act of ingesting a gummy bear, making the process uncomplicated. In addition to their user-friendliness, gummies also offer a palatability that appeals to individuals averse to the earthy essence of unadulterated CBD oil. An added benefit is the discreet nature of gummy bears, which allows for inconspicuous use even in public.

However, one disadvantage of gummies is their relatively delayed onset of action. Due to the need for gastrointestinal processing, the full spectrum of CBD effects can take up to an hour to materialize. Therefore, individuals seeking quick relief from pain or anxiety may be limited by gummies.

Examination of CBD Oil Drops

CBD oil drops are emerging as a viable option for those craving immediate CBD satisfaction. Through direct absorption through sublingual blood capillaries, the potency of oil drops begins with immediacy. The potency of oil droplets becomes apparent within minutes, making them an apt recourse for quick relief from pain or anxiety. In addition, oil drops offer superior dosage control compared to gummy bears.

While gummies require the consumption of an entire unit to achieve the desired CBD dose, oil drops allow for precise titration by allowing users to administer as few or as many drops as needed. This feature makes it easier to achieve an optimal CBD dose tailored to individual needs.

CBD Risk and Concerns Assessment

The use of CBD has raised many concerns, especially with the use of non-prescription CBD products. This is due to the lack of comprehensive data confirming their safety and efficacy. Concerns include adverse events and side effects, questions about their reliability, and unverified health and wellness claims.

Unknown health effects

While uncontaminated CBD does not produce psychoactive effects, its effects on the body and observable side effects are apparent. Uncertainties surrounding the use of CBD include long-term health effects, optimal dosing, effects on brain development, and effects on fetuses and infants during pregnancy and lactation. Out of an abundance of caution, the FDA strongly advises against the use of CBD in any form during pregnancy or lactation.

Adverse events and side effects

Potential effects of CBD include decreased alertness (e.g., drowsiness and sedation), mood changes (e.g., irritability and agitation), decreased appetite, and gastrointestinal disturbances (e.g., diarrhea). CBD also has the potential to cause psychotic effects or cognitive impairment in individuals who regularly consume delta-9-THC products, such as marijuana.

In addition, the use of CBD has been associated with adverse events such as liver injury, drug interactions, injuries following sedation or drowsiness, and male reproductive harm. The likelihood of CBD-related adverse events or side effects is influenced by factors such as product potency, purity, amount consumed, method of administration, concurrent substance use (both legal and illegal drugs and alcohol), and interactions with prescribed medications.

Unsubstantiated Health Claims

Over-the-counter CBD products are being marketed for various health conditions despite limited evidence of efficacy or safety. These claims, while tempting, can lead individuals to self-medicate without consulting a healthcare professional, potentially hindering accurate diagnosis and treatment. The FDA emphasizes the need to consult a healthcare provider before using CBD.

Additional concerns

Similar to CBD, products containing delta-8-THC have entered the market with claims of health benefits. However, these products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are considered unsafe. In particular, labeling delta-8 THC products as hemp products could mislead consumers about their psychoactive properties. Concerns extend to product formulation, purity, dosage, accidental exposure to children and pets, and potential adverse events.

Over-the-counter CBD products are being marketed for various health conditions despite limited evidence of efficacy or safety. These claims, while enticing, can lead individuals to self-medicate without consulting a health care professional, potentially hindering accurate diagnosis and treatment. The FDA emphasizes the need to consult a healthcare provider before using CBD.

Reliability of dosage and purity

Non-FDA-approved CBD products bypass content and potency standards, leaving room for discrepancies. Such products may contain different levels of CBD than labeled and, more alarmingly, may contain biological and chemical contaminants due to inadequate manufacturing controls.

Research underscores the unreliability of labeled CBD concentrations, with over-the-counter products showing inconsistent CBD levels ranging from inadequate to exceeding FDA-approved doses for seizure disorders. This variation in composition poses significant health risks, particularly for medical purposes, and even more so for pediatric patients.

In addition, the purity of commercial CBD remains questionable due to the presence of intoxicating THC. Cases of unlabeled delta-9-THC content have been reported, raising concerns about misleading labeling and potential legal, occupational, and health implications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the legality of CBD established?
CBD derived from hemp plants is legal in the United States due to the 2018 Farm Bill. All highlighted CBD gummies are compliant with legal and safe consumption guidelines. However, it’s important to note that CBD derived from marijuana remains illegal in the U.S. due to its elevated THC content, which cannot be completely filtered out.

How fast do CBD gummies work to relieve anxiety?
CBD gummies usually take effect within 30 minutes to an hour after ingestion. However, the exact onset time may vary depending on the product and individual metabolism, as research has shown.

Can CBD gummies effectively reduce anxiety?
Scientific evidence partially supports the potential of CBD for treating anxiety-related conditions. However, it’s important to note that the FDA has not approved the use of CBD as an anxiety treatment, and ongoing research is limited.

What is the difference between CBD oil and CBD gummies?
CBD oil is a potent liquid concentrate extracted from hemp plants. Typically taken sublingually, the oil is placed under the tongue for rapid absorption through the mucous membranes of the mouth. This accelerates absorption and provides immediate effects. CBD oil’s versatility is evident in its potential to be added to edibles, beverages, or applied topically. Available in a variety of concentrations, it allows for precise dosage adjustments based on individual preferences.

On the other hand, CBD gummies are edible confections infused with CBD oil. Available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors, they offer an enjoyable way to consume CBD. Unlike oil, gummies are absorbed through the digestive system into the bloodstream. The appeal lies in their convenience, especially for those averse to the taste of oil. Additionally, the pre-measured content in each gummy simplifies dosage considerations.

What is the appropriate CBD gummy dosage for anxiety?
Individual CBD gummy dosage depends on the potency of the product and personal requirements. Experts recommends working with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate number of CBD gummies or milligrams of CBD for effective anxiety management.

Are the CBD gummies for Anxiety safe?
In general, CBD-infused gummies and related products such as oils and tinctures are considered safe. However, moderation is key when consuming CBD. It is wise to choose reputable brands known for using organic ingredients in their formulations.

What is the optimal time to take CBD gummies for anxiety?
According to experts, consuming CBD in the morning is generally recommended to enhance the relief of anxiety symptoms. Usually, a single daily dosage proves sufficient to achieve the intended results.


A burgeoning body of research points to CBD’s potential in alleviating anxiety, a prevalent mental health condition. It’s worth noting, however, that the FDA lacks regulatory oversight regarding the use of CBD for the treatment of anxiety. As a result, the consistency and potency of CBD can vary widely from product to product and manufacturer to manufacturer.

Individuals seeking anxiety relief through CBD have several alternatives available to them, including tinctures, gummies, lotions, and patches. For individuals concurrently using prescription medications or supplements, it’s wise to seek medical advice before incorporating CBD into their regimen.


By Jayson Peterson

Jayson Peterson is an experienced pharmacist, naturopathic physician, medical examiner, and minister. After earning his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of South Carolina, Jayson Peterson completed clinical rotations at several prestigious healthcare institutions and has been affiliated with several pharmacy chains throughout his career. His main passion and zeal is focused on providing world-class patient care by giving precise details and thorough instructions to those who need it most.