
Ridley-Lowell Student Transfer Opportunities Updated

Ridley Lowell students have updated transfer opportunities available to them. Naugatuck Valley Community College (NVCC) with campuses in Waterbury and Danbury is offering office hours at their Danbury campus. Students can visit without an appointment to discuss opportunities provided by NVCC. If you’re interested in Associate Degrees, credit certificates or non credit certificate programs please contact the office of the Danbury Campus at 203 437 9639 or visit

At Three Rivers Community College (TRCC) in Norwich advisors are ready to meet with students and talk about the programs they offer. They can provide information on how you might be able to transfer credits or complete your studies at TRCC. For details on credit courses and degree programs get in touch with the Welcome Desk at 860 215 9016. Visit

As a result of your request for transfer opportunities for Ridley Lowell students, postsecondary vocational schools in Connecticut have been contacted. These schools have agreed to review your Ridley Lowell coursework and accept transfer students. For a list of all participating schools by program of study, see Postsecondary Career Schools Transfer Opportunities. Feel free to contact these schools for more information about their programs and requirements.

In addition, it was discovered that there were students enrolled in the Electrical Systems program at the time of Ridley Lowell’s closure. To assist you further, a list of electrician training positions that have been approved by the Connecticut Department of Labor has been compiled.

Conn CTHSS Grad (Electrician)



Hartford Electricians LU 35 JATC



I.B.E.W. LU 488



Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC)



Industrial Management & Training Institute (IMTI)



Lincoln Technical Institute



New England Institute of Technology



New Haven Electricians LU 90 JATC



Porter & Chester



Penn Foster (online)



Please note that the Office of Higher Education does not oversee apprenticeship programs. If you would like information regarding apprenticeship opportunities or if you have any general inquiries please feel free to reach out to the Office of Apprenticeship Training at (860) 263 6085 or via email, at


Information for Private Occupational Schools, Barber/Hairdresser Schools

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More Nutrition - Chunky Flavour

More Nutrition - Chunky Flavour



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Das Hype-Produkt MORE NUTRITION Chunky Flavour soll als gesunder Zuckerzusatz dienen und wird zum Aromatiesieren und Süßen von Mahlzeiten und Getränken verwendet.

17.96 Euro

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KetoXplode Fruchtgummies

More Nutrition - Chunky Flavour
  • Effektiver Gewichtsverlust
  • Gezielte Fettverbrennung
  • Stoppt Hungergefühl
  • Keine Nebenwirkungen
  • Bewertung: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Das Hype-Produkt MORE NUTRITION Chunky Flavour soll als gesunder Zuckerzusatz dienen und wird zum Aromatiesieren und Süßen von Mahlzeiten und Getränken verwendet.
👉 HIER KLICKEN und das BESTE Angebot sichern! 👈

Application for hospital-based vocational school


Complete Application

Page 1 Application Cover Page

Page 2-3 Application Information

Page 4 Additional Facilities

Page 5 CFO Affidavit

Page 6 Revocation History

Page 7 Hospital School Staff Roster

Page 8-9 Director Form

Page 10-11 Disclosure of Criminal Record

Page 12-13 Instructor Form

Page 14 Waiver for Instructor

Page 15-16 Recruiter Form

Page 17 Program Course List

Page 18 Program Course Information

Page 19 Library Form

Page 20 Student Records

Page 21-22 Enrollment Agreement Contract

Page 23-24 Catalog

Page 25 Diploma

Page 26 Complaints

Page 27 Fees

Page 28 Advertising

Page 29 Non-Discrimination Clause

Page 30 Affidavit of School Closure

Page 31-32 Designation of Agent of Service


Eligibility requirements

Authorization refers to the determination made by the Office of Higher Education (as amended by Public Act 11 48) that your school has met the following requirements as outlined in Section 10a 22b(c) of the Connecticut General Statutes;

  • Upon completion of a course or program the school grants students appropriate educational credentials such as certificates or diplomas.
  • The school maintains records to track attendance, grades and other indicators of student progress. Attendance and student performance standards are strictly enforced.
  • Financial stability is an aspect of the schools operations. This is verified through a review of audited financial statements to ensure that the school can fulfill its commitments to students.
  • The courses and programs offered are of quality and adequately align, with their stated objectives.
  • A comprehensive catalog is provided to students and interested individuals detailing course and program descriptions, objectives, duration, tuition fees well as school policies covering attendance, grading, graduation, job placement. Additionally information regarding cancellation and refund policies is included.
  • The school possesses space, equipment, instructional materials and staff to effectively deliver instruction.
  • Directors, administrators, supervisors and instructors must possess qualifications to ensure that students receive education in line with the intended objectives of each course or program.
  • If applicable, any housing provided by the school for students is both safe and adequate in quality.

Furthermore as a condition of authorization your school is required to make all payments as mandated by law. This includes fulfilling all obligations, towards the Private Occupational School Student Protection Account.

Furthermore your school is required to inform the Office of Higher Education at sixty days in advance if there are any planned modifications to the terms of authorization. These revisions may include,. Are not limited to changes in (1) courses and programs offered; (2) ownership structure of the school; (3) name of the institution; (4) physical location of the school and other associated facilities; and (5) alterations, in tuition rates and fees.


Revisions to Authorization

Updating Courses or Programs

Please submit the revised application sections to the Office of Higher Education at 60 days prior to making any changes to the authorization conditions. These changes may include adding, removing or modifying courses or programs. All documents should be in PDF format.

Change of School Name

For any intended change of school name please submit application sections to the Office of Higher Education at least 60 days in advance. All documents should be, in PDF format.

Please submit sections to the Office of Higher Education at least 60 days prior to any intended revisions of the Conditions of Authorization. All documents are, in PDF format.Here are the instructions for the application;

Next we have some forms and documents that need to be completed;

Please also provide information about the programs courses;

We’ll also need some details, about your library;

Additionally we require information regarding student records;

Please review and complete the following agreements and documents;

Lastly there are a few documents to consider;


Tips for Students

Advice on Choosing a Recognized School

  1. Determine your desired career or academic goal. Narrow down your search to schools that offer programs in your field of interest.
  2. Make sure the schools you are considering are approved by the Office of Higher Education.
  3. Before enrolling visit the schools. Talk to students in the programs you’re interested in. Ask if you can sit in and observe classes or courses.
  4. Request a copy of the student catalog and enrollment agreement to review all terms, such as school withdrawal, termination refund policies, costs and student disclosures.
  5. Contact the accrediting agency that a school claims to have accreditation from to verify their claims.
  6. Reach out to the Office of Higher Education for information on any complaints filed against a school.
  7. Pay attention to all advertisements and compare them with what is mentioned in the schools catalog and course syllabus.
  8. Ask to see information, about student completion rates and job placement assistance provided by the school.
  9. Keep in mind that while a school may offer job placement services they cannot guarantee employment.
  10. Find out what documents are required by the school during the application process.
  11. Ensure you have an understanding of the amount and types of financial aid you will need before enrolling. Make sure to obtain written and signed documentation from a school official for any agreements or requests.

Remember to keep copies of all your documents for your records.

Enjoy your journey and make the most of your learning experience!

If you need to request your student transcripts please refer to the designated page titled “Student Transcripts”.

In case you have any complaints as a student please consult the page called “Student Complaints“.

If a school closes it is advisable for students to get in touch with the Office of Higher Education for assistance and guidance.

Additionally this website will provide instructions related to the closure of a particular school as soon as information becomes available.

Here are some asked questions;

What is the role played by the Office of Higher Education? The Office of Higher Education ensures consumer protection for students and prospective students. It collaborates with schools to ensure compliance, with state statutes and regulations.

What defines a private occupational school? It refers to any entity or organization that offers instruction in trades, industries, commercial sectors or service occupations in exchange for payment or rewards. These schools do not grant degrees. Offer collegiate credit.

What types of schools does the Office of Higher Education authorize? The Office of Higher Education has given approval to a variety of schools that offer training programs leading to entry level employment. These schools provide a range of programs, including electronics, automotive training, dog grooming, bartending, certified nurses aid and massage therapy.

If you are considering enrolling in one of these programs it is important to understand the tuition refund and cancellation policy. Make sure to read and comprehend the schools policy regarding refunds and cancellations before signing the enrollment agreement. If you find it confusing or need clarification from the school seek assistance before making any commitments. You can also reach out to the Office of Higher Education for support.

When it comes to occupational school “recruiters ” it is essential to know their role. Recruiters are employed by the school with the purpose of enrolling students; they are not school counselors. It is important to note that recruiters cannot demand payment for placement or referrals from students. The contact information for each recruiter should be provided in the schools roster submitted to the Office of Higher Education.

Lastly if you are considering grants or guaranteed student loans, for financing your education there are factors you should be aware of.A student can receive a grant based on their income eligibility, which they don’t have to pay for example the federal government provides Pell grants). Guaranteed student loans are low interest loans through the Federal Guaranteed Student Loan Program. It’s your decision whether or not to apply for such a loan – the school cannot force you to do. Keep in mind that if you use borrowed money from a lender to pay for tuition you’re responsible for repaying the loan in full along with interest as per the loan agreement terms. Failing to repay the loan can negatively impact your credit score. May lead to legal consequences. It could also disqualify you from receiving financial aid in the future.

You have the right to choose a lender for a guaranteed student loan. The school cannot require you to apply with a lender or lending institution. However they can suggest one. If they do they must also provide information about your right and ability to seek a loan, from another lender and disclose any origination fees associated with these loans. Before signing any documents make sure you thoroughly read and understand all information and applications related to aid grants and loans.

Will my credits from a vocational school be transferable to other educational institutions? The decision to accept credits from another institution depends on the policies of the receiving institution. To obtain information it is recommended that you reach out directly to the institution you are considering attending.

What is the distinction between authorization and accreditation? A school obtains approval or authorization from the Executive Director of the Office of Higher Education in order to operate in Connecticut. This is the level of approval. Once a school receives this approval it has the option to voluntarily seek accreditation from an accrediting council recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Accreditation involves an evaluation process where a school must meet standards set by an independent accrediting council. If a school meets these evaluation standards and receives accreditation it may then apply for financial aid, under Title IV.

How often do schools need to renew their authorizations? Schools are required to receive an authorization and then undergo three annual renewal visits. After the annual visit a school may be eligible for an extended authorization period of up to five years.



Authorization revisions

To make any revisions to your authorization if you are a school approved by the Office of Higher Education please log in to your Veoci account. Remember to submit these revisions at 60 days in advance to the Office of Higher Education for approval. The revisions can include changes such as program updates, school name changes establishing branch campuses or classroom sites and relocation of the school or its branches.

In case there is a change in school ownership the owner or director must inform the Office of Higher Education about it through a letter. This notification should be sent least 60 days before the proposed sale. Upon receiving this information the Office will respond with a letter requesting documents from the present owner. These documents include a draft copy of the proposed sales agreement for review, before finalization.

The initial review aims to ensure that important regulatory matters related to school and student records maintenance, the continuation of teaching students who haven’t completed their program and issuing tuition refunds are properly addressed.

Please provide the copy of the completed and signed sales agreement along with any relevant attachments and agreements.

Additionally make sure to settle any documents or payments you may owe before executing the proposed changes in ownership. This includes payments toward occupational school student protection account fund, annual fees, as well as providing annually reviewed or audited financial statements.

If the transfer of ownership date does not align with your fiscal year end please submit management prepared statements covering the period until the transfer takes place.

From the Proposed New Owner

Evidence is required that the proposed new owners have liquid assets or other evidence of financial stability to operate the school for the approved period of time as required by Section 10a 22k 5(i) of the state agency regulations. The evidence should be as follows;

If your school is part of an existing corporation, partnership or proprietorship please submit a forecast for the twelve month period following the proposed transfer date.
If the school plans to become part of a company, partnership or sole proprietorship they need to provide a detailed financial forecast for the schools operations for the twelve month period after the proposed transfer.

To apply for this change submit a complete application along with a non refundable application fee of $2,000. Additionally submit a refundable application fee of $200 for each branch campus.

As part of the ownership transfer process it is required to provide an Irrevocable Letter of Credit worth $40,000. This letter must be held for 12 years, from the date of ownership change. Should be issued by a bank located within the State of Connecticut.


Renewal Application Process

The Office of Higher Education will provide the school with a renewal application package 180 days before the schools recent certificate of authorization expires. This package will include an application copies of laws and regulations and financial requirements.

The school must submit an application to the Office of Higher Education along with the necessary renewal fees ($200 per school and $200 per branch) at least 120 days prior to the expiration date of its most recent certificate of authorization.

The Office of Higher Education will review the application to ensure that all conditions from the authorization are met. Additionally documentation confirming that the school has achieved a passing financial ratio score as required by 34 CFR 668 (subject to amendments) must be submitted to the Executive Director of the Office of Higher Education.

As per Section 10a 22k 4 in the Regulations of State Agencies an evaluation visit will be conducted by representatives from the Office of Higher Education. Please refer to Section 10a 22k 5 in those regulations for details on evaluation criteria used during this visit.

Following this visit the chairperson of the evaluation team will submit a report based on their findings. The report will also include recommendations, for any improvements.
Once the necessary corrections have been made and evidence of these corrections has been provided a recommendation for authorization or non authorization will be submitted to the Executive Director of the Office of Higher Education.

With the exception of visits, accreditation by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education will be considered satisfactory for meeting the requirements outlined in Sections 10a 22b and 10a 22d of Connecticuts General Statutes, including evaluation requirements. The Executive Director may choose not to rely on accreditation only if reasonable cause is found.

As part of all renewal accreditation visits conducted by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education a representative from the Office of Higher Education will be invited to participate as an observer.

Each school is required to maintain records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. School management must prepare a financial statement that provides details, about the schools financial status. This statement should be. Audited by a licensed certified public accountant or licensed public accountant following standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

A school must submit a copy of its statement to the Executive Director of the Office of Higher Education by the end of the fourth month after the end of its fiscal year. However if the school is nationally accredited and recognized by the U.S. Department of Education the financial statement must be submitted by the end of the month following its fiscal year. Audited financial statements will be accepted from nationally accredited schools. In circumstances a non accredited school may request a filing extension for up to 60 days, with good reason shown but no extensions will be granted to nationally accredited schools.


To close a school or branch

Here are the steps you need to follow to close a school or branch;

  1. Begin by notifying the Office of Higher Education in writing least sixty (60) days before the planned closure. Once they receive your letter they will respond in writing. Provide you with all the necessary procedures you need to follow.
  2. Make sure that all current students have either completed their coursework or will be able to complete it before the closure. If there are any students who haven’t finished their training please provide us with their contact information. Expected completion dates so that they can assist them in transferring to other institutions where they can continue their studies.
  3. Double check that there are no refunds owed to any of the students.
  4. Inform the Office of Higher Education about your decision regarding record maintenance as outlined in Section 10a 22k 5(f) of the Regulations of State Agencies. You can choose to keep the records yourself according to these regulations or file them with the Executive Director of the Office of Higher Education.

These steps ensure a process, for closing a school or branch while fulfilling all necessary requirements set forth by regulatory authorities. The school must. Maintain certain records of students indefinitely. These include the admission and cumulative records, which include test results, academic grades, attendance well as the names and permanent addresses of each student.

It is also important to note the date when each student started their education at the school. Additionally there should be a copy of the individual enrollment agreement for each student along with information about any programs they have been or are currently enrolled in. This information should include details such as program name, length in terms of clock or credit hours and tuition payments made per calendar quarter. Finally it is necessary to record the date of instruction or course completion.

Make sure that all payments to the Private Occupational School Student Protection Account have been made if applicable and that all required reports have been submitted.

Please fill out. Return the Affidavit of Requirements for School Closure (POSA AP Page 44).

Please fill out. Return the Designation of Agent for Service and Maintenance of Records (POSA AP Pages 45 and 46).

Return the Certificate of Authorization for the school or any branches.

Once these steps are completed if relevant they will return the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to its originating bank, for cancellation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I submit a new school application and complete it later by submitting the remaining documents?

No your application must be submitted in its entirety. This includes not the application form but also other required documents such as the financial forecast and irrevocable letter of credit.

What exactly is an Irrevocable Letter of Credit?

An Irrevocable Letter of Credit is a document used to ensure that schools fulfill their payment obligations towards the occupational school student protection account as outlined in section 10a 22u of the Connecticut General Statutes. The letter of credit should amount to $40,000. Must be issued by a Connecticut bank. It serves as a safeguard in case a school fails to make payments into the account. If theres an improper closure leading to tuition refunds, for students.

What does it mean to be an occupational school or a barber/hairdresser school?

It refers to individuals organizations, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies or any other entity that provides instruction in trades, industries, commerce or service occupations in exchange for payment or rewards. These schools do not grant degrees. Do not offer college credits.

What is the role of the Office of Higher Education?

The Office of Higher Education ensures consumer protection for students and prospective students. They collaborate with schools to ensure compliance with state laws and regulations.

How can I apply to become a career school?

To apply you can refer to the Initial/Renewal Application. Get in touch with the Office of Higher Education. They will provide you with the information and guidance.

What kinds of schools are authorized by the Office of Higher Education?

The Office of Higher Education has approved a range of schools that offer vocational training programs leading to entry level employment opportunities. These programs cover fields such as barber/hairdressing, electronics, automotive training, dog grooming, bartending, certified nursing assistance (CNA) and massage therapy.

Which types of schools are exempt from authorization, by the Office of Higher Education?

Schools that offer supervised and controlled instruction, firms or organizations providing training for their employees and schools authorized by the General Assembly to grant degrees are exempt from requiring authorization.

How often do schools need to renew their authorizations?

Schools are required to go through an authorization process, followed by three annual renewal visits. After the annual visit a school may be eligible for an extended authorization period of up to five years.

What is the distinction between authorization and accreditation?

Authorization is granted by the Executive Director of the Office of Higher Education allowing a school to operate in Connecticut. This serves as the level of approval. Once a school receives this approval it can choose to seek accreditation, from an accrediting council recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Accreditation involves meeting evaluation standards set by an accrediting council. A school that meets these standards and receives accreditation may then apply for Title IV financial aid participation.

Is it possible for me to operate a school while my application is being processed?

No in Connecticut only schools that have been approved by the Executive Director of the Office of Higher Education are allowed to operate. Submitting an application indicates your intention to become approved. It does not guarantee that you have met all the necessary requirements for authorization.