
Attention Marinello School Students

Everyone understands that this is a difficult time for all students, and everyone is grateful for your patience while student records are collected and filed and transfer opportunities are facilitated.

Update as of March 18th 2016;

For those students who’re interested in transferring;

Kindly complete a Request for Student Transcripts and Records form. Once we receive this form the Office of Higher Education will fill out a Verification of Hours Form on your behalf. Send it directly to the school you plan on transferring to.

For those students who require proof of completed hours;

Please complete a Request for Student Transcripts and Records form. If your file includes a Transcript or Student Progress Report, the Office of Higher Education will provide you with a Verification of Hours Form either directly or through your chosen school or the Department of Public Health.

For those students pursuing a hairdresser or barber license;

If you have finished your training and need documentation confirming your completed hours please be aware that the Office of Higher Education will supply the Department of Public Health with an Affidavit of Hours and/or Verification Form based on what information’s available, in your file. If you are interested in obtaining this documentation please fill out a Request for Student Transcripts and Records form.

For all students;

  • Please carefully consider all your options as some decisions cannot be undone. For example if you decide to transfer to another school and not all of your credits are accepted, but you still choose to transfer you will be responsible for any loans that you took while studying at Marinello. You will also be responsible for any loans that you take when transferring to complete your education at the new school.
  • Make sure that the school where you plan to transfer assesses your knowledge and skills.
  • Before enrolling make sure that you are aware of how many credits will be accepted how more credits you need to complete and all associated costs.
  • If transferring is not the option for you there is another possibility. Discharging the loans that you took while studying at Marinello and starting fresh at a new school.

Update; February 11th, 2016

  • The Office of Higher Education has obtained student records. Including transcripts and affidavits of hours. From the recently closed Connecticut Marinello Schools of Beauty. If students do not receive these materials directly from Marinello they may contact our agency for copies at or, by calling 800 842 0229.
  • The Office of Higher Education has organized a workshop for students on Wednesday, February 24th from 10;00 am to 4;00 pm at 61 Woodland Street in Hartford. Representatives from the U.S. Department of Education and local cosmetology schools will be available to provide assistance regarding loan discharges, tuition refunds, transcript requests and transfer options.
  • If you obtained a high school diploma from the Parkridge Private School through Marinellos process it’s important to note that your diploma is not considered valid. Unfortunately this means that transferring to schools or receiving additional federal aid is not possible for students with such diplomas. We strongly recommend that Parkridge students complete their GED through an Adult Education Program. They may also explore options for discharging their loans or seeking tuition refunds for non federal aid payments.
  • For information on how to discharge loans or transfer to other schools students can visit the U.S Department of Educations website. Additionally students may be eligible for a refund of any portion of their tuition not covered by aid. To request such a refund please email
  • If you haven’t already done so we kindly request all students to register their up, to date information here.

Students who have graduated from Parkridge Private School with a high school diploma earned through Marinellos administration should be aware that their diploma is not recognized as valid.

By Jayson Peterson

Jayson Peterson is an experienced pharmacist, naturopathic physician, medical examiner, and minister. After earning his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of South Carolina, Jayson Peterson completed clinical rotations at several prestigious healthcare institutions and has been affiliated with several pharmacy chains throughout his career. His main passion and zeal is focused on providing world-class patient care by giving precise details and thorough instructions to those who need it most.