Nutrition Weight Management

How To Lose Weight With Wine – Benefits, Tips & Risks 2024

For many years, headlines have posed the question: “Can wine help you lose weight? While this may seem implausible, there may be some truth to the claim. Research into the effects of wine consumption on weight management has suggested that a botanical component in grapes called resveratrol can turn white fat cells into beige ones.

Another Harvard Medical School study of 20,000 women found that moderate wine drinkers were 70% less likely to become obese. So here are some of the benefits of including wine in your weight loss diet and its health implications.

Does Wine Help You Lose Weight?

Along with a balanced diet and regular exercise, wine consumption can help you lose weight. Several studies suggest that drinking wine, especially before bedtime, may help you shed pounds. Some scientific evidence suggests that resveratrol, a plant compound found in grapes, has the potential to turn white fat cells into beige ones. To maximise the health benefits of your red wine, limit yourself to one serving, which is one glass or 5 ounces (150 ml). It's also important to monitor your calorie intake and make sure you know the total number of calories you're consuming each day.

Are There Different Types Of Wine?

Yes, there are different types of wine, broadly categorised as red, white, rosé, sparkling and dessert wines. Each type differs in taste, colour and production method. Red wines are made from dark-coloured grapes; white wines from green or yellow grapes; rosé has some colour from the grape skins; sparkling wines contain carbonation; and dessert wines are typically sweeter.

Wine Consumption For Weight Control

A diet rich in antioxidants helps slow down cellular damage from free radicals, reducing the likelihood of various diseases. Antioxidants such as thymoquinone in cumin, quercetin in buckwheat tea and resveratrol in wine offer health benefits and show potential to aid weight loss.

However, wine can contain high levels of sugar and calories, sparking debate about its role in weight management. Although different types of wine vary in alcohol, sugar and calorie content, alcohol is the main source of calories. Wine’s resveratrol and other antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties, improve heart health and blood sugar regulation. Some studies suggest that moderate wine consumption may prevent weight gain. Moderate wine consumption improves blood circulation by relaxing blood vessels, thus increasing the supply of nutrients and oxygen to cells, which is essential for fat burning.

Wine also increases two hormones that help build muscle and burn fat: testosterone and adiponectin. It also lowers estrogen, which promotes fat storage, and serum hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which inhibits testosterone receptor interaction. Increased testosterone and adiponectin, together with reduced oestrogen and SHBG, facilitate fat release and boost metabolism. However, excessive alcohol consumption, particularly in men, leads to weight gain. Excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt blood sugar control and lead to insulin resistance.

How Does Wine Help You Lose Weight?

White adipose cells, found in connective tissue as visceral and subcutaneous fat, convert excess calories into fatty acids. An overabundance of white adipocytes in your system not only leads to weight gain, but also causes imbalance and disease. Brown fat cells use energy to help your body produce heat when the temperature drops. Beige fat cells, which are found in areas with white cells (under the skin and in the abdominal cavity), function similarly to brown cells.

Grapes in wine contain a plant compound, resveratrol, which can convert white fat cells into beige fat cells. In addition, beige fat cells develop from white cells through consistent exposure to temperatures above the shivering threshold for at least two hours, regular physical activity, and the use of dietary supplements such as quercetin and CBD.

Brown adipocytes not only promote weight loss, but also reduce your risk of hypothermia and improve your body’s insulin sensitivity, reducing your chances of developing diabetes. Therefore, the ability to convert white adipocytes into beige adipocytes promotes weight loss and partially prevents obesity.

The balance between excess and moderation is crucial when drinking wine. To avoid overindulgence and maximise the benefits of your wine, limit yourself to one serving, which is equivalent to one glass or 5 ounces (150 ml). Also monitor your calorie intake so that you’re aware of the total calories you’re consuming throughout the day.

Are There Any Scientific Studies?

Scientific studies suggest that moderate wine consumption has health benefits. These include antioxidants and protective effects against cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and brain and nerve cell damage. A significant reduction in vascular risk and heart disease-related deaths has been observed in moderate wine drinkers compared to non-drinkers.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Wine Consumption?

Benefits of drinking wine

There has been much debate about the health benefits of wine consumption. However, a growing body of research seems to support the idea that moderate wine consumption may reduce the likelihood of various diseases.

Red wine is rich in antioxidants, particularly resveratrol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease, lower elevated blood pressure and maintain stable blood sugar levels. It’s important to remember that weight loss is achieved by consuming fewer calories than your body burns. When choosing wine, opt for dry red varieties, which are superior to white and sweet wines in terms of health benefits, as they contain more antioxidants and less residual sugar.

Some Of The Benefits Of Drinking Red Wine

Good for the heart: The antioxidants in wine help reduce the risk of developing coronary artery disease. Having coronary artery disease increases your chances of having a heart attack. Although the exact reasons for this aren’t fully understood, it is thought that these antioxidants prevent the build-up of harmful cholesterol and increase levels of beneficial cholesterol.

Reduces high blood pressure: Research suggests that non-alcoholic wine increases the body’s levels of nitric oxide, which helps to relax blood vessels, thereby lowering elevated blood pressure.

Reduces insulin resistance: Another study highlighted the beneficial effects of wine on insulin resistance. Sixty-seven men at high risk of cardiovascular disease were given equal amounts of red wine, non-alcoholic red wine and gin. The study found that fasting glucose levels remained stable throughout, while plasma insulin and HOMA-IR, a measure of insulin resistance, decreased after the subjects were given red wine and non-alcoholic red wine.

Are There Any Negative Effects Of Drinking Wine?

Yes, there are negative effects of drinking wine. While moderate consumption can have some health benefits, excessive drinking can lead to health problems such as addiction, liver disease, heart problems and an increased risk of certain cancers. It can also impair judgement and coordination, leading to accidents and injuries. In addition, wine can interact negatively with certain medications and is not recommended for pregnant women due to risks to the foetus. Moderation is the key to balancing the benefits and risks of wine.

Optimal Wine For Reducing Weight

When aiming to maximize the antioxidants in wine, choosing red wine surpasses white. Red wine boasts higher antioxidant levels than white due to the inclusion of grape skins, rich in antioxidants, in its fermentation process. Prefer dry red wines over sweet variants, as sweet wines may have higher sugar content than their dry counterparts. Determining whether a wine is dry or sweet based on taste can be challenging, but wines with less than 10 grams of residual sugar are deemed dry, while those with more than 35 grams are considered sweet.

For red wine selections, go for rosé, pinot noir, or merlot. These contain only 1 gram of sugar, 3 grams of carbohydrates, and 88 calories per five ounces (a standard glass). Avoid sherry and marsala, which offer 8 grams of sugar, 14 grams of carbohydrates, and 164 calories per glass. The most vital guideline, however, is to consume responsibly — one glass for women and one to two glasses for men. When including wine in your diet, ensure your total calorie consumption remains in a deficit to maintain weight loss progress and possibly also lose inner thigh fat.

Who Should Avoid Drinking Wine?

People who should avoid drinking wine include pregnant women due to the risk of harm to the foetus, people with a history of addiction or substance abuse, people taking medication that interacts negatively with alcohol, and people with medical conditions such as liver disease, pancreatitis or certain heart conditions.

Minors should also refrain from drinking, as alcohol can impair brain development. In addition, anyone who plans to drive or operate heavy machinery should avoid alcohol because of the risk of impairment. It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional for personal advice on alcohol consumption.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can drinking wine help me lose weight?

Drinking wine in moderation is not directly linked to weight loss. While some studies suggest a correlation between moderate wine consumption and a lower risk of obesity, it’s important to remember that wine contains calories and can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess.

What is the calorie content of wine?

The calorie content of wine varies depending on its type and sweetness. On average, a 5-ounce serving of red wine has about 125 calories, while white wine has about 121 calories. Sweet wines, like dessert wines, have more calories due to higher sugar content.

Does wine affect metabolism?

There is some evidence suggesting that substances in red wine, like resveratrol, may have a positive impact on metabolism. However, these effects are not significant enough to contribute noticeably to weight loss, and more research is needed in this area.

Is red wine healthier than white wine?

Both red and white wines have health benefits when consumed in moderation. Red wine is known for its resveratrol content, which has been linked to heart health and other benefits. White wine, while lower in resveratrol, contains other antioxidants.

What are the best practices for including wine in a weight loss diet?

If you choose to include wine in your weight loss diet, it’s important to do so in moderation. Consider limiting your intake to one glass per day for women and two for men, as recommended by the American Heart Association. Also, be mindful of the calorie content and how it fits into your daily calorie budget.


For years, it was commonly believed that abstaining from alcohol was essential for weight loss due to the notion that it provides only empty calories and leads to overeating. This is why the revelation of new research suggesting the contrary appears almost unbelievable, indicating potential health advantages from moderate wine consumption, such as aiding in weight management. Consequently, determining the appropriate daily wine intake for your health is crucial. Maintaining a nutritious diet and regular exercise regimen while incorporating daily wine drinking can enhance your lifespan.


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By Jayson Peterson

Jayson Peterson is an experienced pharmacist, naturopathic physician, medical examiner, and minister. After earning his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of South Carolina, Jayson Peterson completed clinical rotations at several prestigious healthcare institutions and has been affiliated with several pharmacy chains throughout his career. His main passion and zeal is focused on providing world-class patient care by giving precise details and thorough instructions to those who need it most.