Nutrition Weight Management

How To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss – The Best Use Of Coconut Oil To Lose Weight 2024

Coconut oil has been in use for cooking purposes and as a skincare oil since ancient times. Recently, coconut oil has seen a serious surge in popularity as a fat burner. As many people adopted the ketogenic diet, people have started using it as a popular hair mask to add to morning drinks such as bulletproof coffee.

Coconut oil has been there for us all the time. Now, coconut oil is in high demand due to its ability to keep the body in a fat-burning state called ketosis. Whereas in recent times many people are opting for CBD for weight loss, coconut oil contains a type of fat called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

This circumstance also helps you in losing weight. More than 50% of the fat from coconut oil comes from these medium-chain fatty acids. But how does coconut oil make you lose weight? Well, you will learn that in this article.

How To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss?

  • Eat a spoonful of coconut oil every day
  • Use coconut oil to bake
  • Coconut oil supplements
  • Add coconut oil to drinks
  • Use coconut oil as cooking oil

Where Does Coconut Oil Come From?

Often hailed as a versatile superfood, coconut oil traces its origins to the lush tropical palm trees that sway gently in the warm breezes of tropical regions. This remarkable oil is extracted from the kernel, or flesh, of ripe coconuts harvested from these majestic palm trees.

The process involves crushing and pressing the coconut flesh to release the rich, creamy oil within. With its delightful aroma and myriad uses, coconut oil has found its way into kitchens, skin care routines, and even hair care regimens worldwide, making it a treasured product that embodies the essence of tropical paradise.

Since When Has Coconut Oil Been Used For Health Purposes?

Coconut oil, a versatile superfood, comes from tropical palm trees. It is extracted from ripe coconut kernels, capturing the essence of lush tropical regions. This remarkable oil has been used in traditional medicine and culinary practices for centuries, and its popularity continues to grow as modern research reveals its health benefits, making it a treasured product that embodies both tradition and wellness.

The Best Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Best use of coconut oil image

Coconut oil can be incorporated into your daily routine in many ways, serving as a versatile cooking oil or simply consumed by the spoonful. It can even be added to your morning coffee or tea, such as the famous Bulletproof Coffee popularized by the ketogenic diet. In this article, you will discover five effective strategies for incorporating coconut oil into your weight loss journey.

Include One Tablespoon Of Coconut Oil Daily

As mentioned above, coconut oil has appetite-suppressing properties, but it’s important to recognize that it does contain calories due to its saturated fat content, much like other oils. Therefore, it is important to use coconut oil in moderation. To get started, aim for a daily intake of one tablespoon. According to research, coconut oil has the potential to reduce inflammation and increase HDL cholesterol levels, offering protection against heart disease.

It may also help improve insulin sensitivity. However, some newcomers may experience occasional discomfort when first adopting this practice, even after prolonged use of coconut oil. It is advisable to limit your daily intake of coconut oil to no more than three tablespoons. Remember that excessive consumption of any substance can have adverse effects.

Incorporate Coconut Oil For Baking

Coconut oil can serve as a delightful addition to your baking endeavors, whether you’re making cookies, brownies, or cakes. Simply substitute regular oil with coconut oil in a 1:1 ratio. It’s important to ensure that your eggs and milk reach room temperature before blending them with coconut oil to prevent batter clumping.

Research conducted by scholars has revealed that incorporating coconut oil into your culinary creations can expand stomach volume, subsequently boosting the release of the satiety hormone, leptin. Moreover, some studies have indicated that the consumption of foods rich in saturated fats may induce a greater sensation of fullness compared to foods containing monounsaturated fats.

Coconut oil also makes an excellent alternative to olive oil when stir-frying or sautéing vegetables, eggs, fish, or meat. You can use it as a dressing for salads or blend it into sauces. Additionally, consider marinating meat or poultry with a mixture of spices and coconut oil before embarking on your baking adventure.

Utilizing Coconut Oil Supplements

Coconut oil supplements present a convenient option for consumption. Given that coconut oil acts as an appetite suppressant, it can help extend the feeling of fullness and deter food cravings. The medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) contained in coconut oil are known to have appetite-curbing properties and can enhance the body’s fat-burning processes. Coconut oil can be ingested in the form of capsules, offering precise dosage control and ease of use.

Typically, these supplements contain 1-3 grams of coconut oil per capsule, necessitating the consumption of approximately 13 capsules to match the equivalent of 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. However, there are more straightforward methods to incorporate coconut oil into your routine. You can simply acquire a jar of high-quality extra virgin coconut oil and consume a spoonful of it before meals, reducing your overall food intake.

A study conducted at the University of Geneva involved eight healthy men who were administered 1-2 tablespoons of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) or long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) before meals. At the conclusion of the study, the men who consumed MCFAs experienced a 5% increase in their energy expenditure, resulting in an average daily calorie loss of approximately 120 calories.

Adding Coconut Oil To Beverages

Adding coconut oil to beverages is a very popular and widely used way to incorporate coconut oil into your diet. As mentioned above, you can seamlessly incorporate 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil into your daily beverages, whether it be coffee, tea, herbal infusions, hot water, or even your favorite smoothies. You can also add it to your smoothie recipes or make a delicious coconut matcha latte.

Research suggests that coconut oil may help reduce belly fat. A 4-week study of 20 obese adults found that consuming 2 tablespoons of coconut oil led to a significant reduction in waist circumference in male participants. So, why not consider adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to your beverages as a step towards achieving a beautifully slim waistline?

Using Coconut Oil As A Cooking Medium

Coconut oil has the unique property of solidifying at room temperature due to its saturated fatty acids, which provide stability even when exposed to high heat. This makes coconut oil an excellent choice for cooking. However, it’s important to note that unlike soybean and canola oils, coconut oil has a relatively low smoke point.

This lower smoke point means that when used for frying, coconut oil can produce potentially harmful compounds known as carcinogens. For this reason, it’s best to avoid using coconut oil for frying and instead use oils such as soybean and canola, which have higher smoke points. Olive oil, on the other hand, has a medium smoke point.

Aside from frying, you can seamlessly replace conventional cooking oils with this medium-chain triglyceride (MCT)-rich coconut oil. This allows you to effectively incorporate coconut oil into your diet. You can enhance the flavor of dishes like popcorn or curries by adding a touch of coconut oil, drizzle it over soups and stews, or even stir it into cooked rice to reduce overall calorie intake.

The Mechanisms Behind Coconut Oil’s Weight Loss Benefits

While the exact mechanisms by which coconut oil promotes weight loss remain somewhat unclear, numerous studies have begun to shed light on its potential effects in this regard. The belief in the weight loss benefits of coconut oil is primarily based on its appetite-suppressing properties and the unique composition of fats it contains, particularly medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

These MCTs undergo different metabolic processes in the body than long chain fatty acids. To better understand the benefits of medium-chain fatty acids, it’s important to understand their counterparts, long-chain fatty acids, which make up the majority of vegetable and seed oils. Long-chain fatty acids are taxing on the digestive system and tend to be stored as body fat, contributing to elevated levels of LDL cholesterol, commonly referred to as “bad” cholesterol.

The medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil differ significantly in their digestion and utilization. They are quickly and efficiently digested and converted into energy, unlike long chain fatty acids, which tend to be stored as body fat. Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs) are a type of saturated fat that make up about 90% of the composition of coconut oil. Among these, lauric acid stands out as a key contributor to the weight loss potential of coconut oil.

Lauric acid plays a role in promoting ketosis, a metabolic state in which the body uses stored fat for energy. It also increases levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), often referred to as “good” cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease. In addition, MCTs are metabolized differently than long chain fatty acids (LCTs), making them less likely to be stored as fat.

Coconut oil offers a wealth of health benefits beyond weight loss. It increases satiety and improves appetite regulation. It boosts metabolism and provides a natural energy boost. It helps manage blood sugar levels and targets belly fat. In addition, it plays a role in hormone balance and enhances thyroid hormone activity. Finally, it helps improve digestion.

Are There Coconut Oil Supplements For Weight Loss?

Are There Any Side Effects To Using Coconut Oil For Weight Loss?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can coconut oil really help me lose weight?

Yes, it can! Coconut oil contains MCT’s which increase metabolism and promote fat burning when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

How much coconut oil should I use daily for weight loss?

Start with 1-2 tablespoons per day and adjust according to your needs and preferences.

Is there a specific type of coconut oil to use?

Choose virgin or extra virgin coconut oil for more natural nutrients. Organic options are also a good choice.

Are there any potential side effects or precautions I should be aware of?

Coconut oil is generally safe, but excessive consumption can cause digestive upset. Start with a small amount and consult a health care professional if you have concerns.

Can I just eat coconut oil and lose weight, or do I also need to exercise and diet?

Coconut oil supports weight loss, but should be part of a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise for effective and lasting results.


n conclusion, coconut oil can indeed be a valuable ally in your weight loss journey. With its composition of 100% fat, including a significant amount of saturated fat, it has demonstrated the potential to increase metabolism and aid in fat burning, thus facilitating weight loss.

In addition, the many health benefits associated with coconut oil underscore its suitability for regular use in cooking. However, it’s important to note that effective weight loss requires a holistic approach.

In addition to incorporating coconut oil into your diet, maintaining a healthy diet, staying physically active through regular exercise, proper hydration, and adequate sleep are critical components of a successful weight loss strategy. Remember that individual responses to dietary choices can vary, so it’s wise to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist to tailor your weight loss plan to your specific needs and goals.


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By Jayson Peterson

Jayson Peterson is an experienced pharmacist, naturopathic physician, medical examiner, and minister. After earning his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of South Carolina, Jayson Peterson completed clinical rotations at several prestigious healthcare institutions and has been affiliated with several pharmacy chains throughout his career. His main passion and zeal is focused on providing world-class patient care by giving precise details and thorough instructions to those who need it most.