Editorial Guidelines

The primary goal of the Health Pack is to support and promote educational opportunities. In addition, we defend the rights of students, taxpayers, and educational institutions within our jurisdiction. Another goal is to educate the public by communicating science-based knowledge on a variety of health topics in an understandable manner to promote the health of all people.

To achieve this goal, Health Pack is committed to providing access to quality academic institutions. This includes optimal health care, which we also focus on. It also oversees student support programs and serves as a reliable source of information and consumer protection.

For this reason, our content is written exclusively by experienced journalists and editors in the education and healthcare fields, including physicians, specialists, nurses, professors, and highly respected academics and other experts in their fields. Because we know that errors can occasionally occur, we have established a panel of qualified consultants and fact-checkers who thoroughly review our material. This rigorous approach ensures that every publication is accurate, understandable, based on scientific data, and reflects the latest studies.

Accuracy is paramount in all the content we curate, and we strictly adhere to our editorial standards to maintain credibility and objectivity.

Editorial integrity and independence

The editors, contributors, and medical advisory board are dedicated to independent, ethical, and unbiased journalism while valuing freedom of expression. Hence, our content is not swayed by any academic, business, or political connection.

Additionally, our writers do not partake in receiving gifts, payments, free travel, or other benefits in exchange for favorable coverage. We do not subject our content to any third-party review or approval process before publication. Any possible conflicts of interest or preexisting relationships, whether they be financial, professional, or personal, are fully disclosed to our readers with every publication.

Advertisements on the healthpack.net website are clearly labeled, and we do not grant any special treatment to advertisers. We recommend that our readers review our Terms and Conditions for additional details on this process.

Our goal is to present diverse viewpoints and opinions supported by scientific evidence and shared by experts in their respective fields.

Work principles

At healthpack.net, we have a strict approach to obtaining information, using credible and dependable sources such as peer-reviewed journals’ studies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. We prioritize our obligation to provide our readers with accurate information about the sources’ boundaries and deficiencies.

In our dedication to precision and honesty, we verify that quotations from interviewees and experts are presented without manipulation or distortion of context. We avoid conducting interviews with individuals who may have affiliations that create potential conflicts of interest.

Our pledge to quality content guarantees that our publications will not include hate speech, unnecessary sensationalism, distortion, exaggeration, bias, carelessness, half-truths, or deception.

Consistently monitoring and updating content is essential to our process as we aim to share the latest and most precise information.

In the event that an error occurs, we promptly correct it and provide transparent information about the correction.

At healthpack.net, we value diversity and strive to amplify diverse voices and experiences. Our writers strive to recognize and overcome biases, ensuring that our content is presented in an impartial and lucid manner.

We prioritize the use of person-first language, avoiding defining individuals by their conditions. Our approach is empathetic, aiming to empower people with health conditions rather than victimize them.


Our writers take full responsibility for the originality and authenticity of all content submitted for publication. They adhere to applicable laws, standards, and established journalistic practices, and avoid duplicating the work of others.