
Education & Employment Information Center

The Education & Employment Information Center (EEIC) serves as a resource for anyone seeking information about college, financial aid, career opportunities and job training. At the EEIC you can discover educational options, including college programs, adult education, continuing education courses and job training initiatives. We also provide details on federal and state financial aid programs for college. Additionally our center offers career guidance services that include job descriptions and assistance in finding employment opportunities. While we do not compile job listings ourselves we can certainly guide you on where to find them.

The EEIC caters to a range of individuals seeking assistance. This includes adults looking for retraining or exploring career paths teenagers considering college or making career decisions, unemployed or displaced workers exploring different job options, individuals who haven’t completed high school but wish to continue their education journey
professionals contemplating mid life career changes
and employers searching for training programs or recent college graduates.

Alternatively you can click on any of the topics below that interest you;

Feel free to let us know if there’s anything specific you’d like to know or discuss!


A Guide for Parents, Job Seekers and Students

Parent College Prep – This useful checklist is designed to assist both you and your college bound student throughout the college application process.

Important Questions to Ask When Choosing a College – Here are questions that students and parents may find helpful when discussing with college admissions officers or when visiting college campuses.

Teach in Connecticut – If you’re interested in becoming a certified teacher this resource provides information to guide you through the process.

Tuition Aid for Veterans – Veterans can find information, about tuition waivers specifically designed for them.

Resources for Career Planning & Management – Finding the job involves exploring popular guides, reference books and websites. This brochure provides a list of sources you can use.

Verifying College Degree Accreditation – You can find sources that verify the accreditation status of programs and institutions in this brochure. It includes occupational schools, colleges and universities.

Websites to Search for Courses – Whether you’re a young student or an adult seeking credit or non credit courses this brochure lists websites for colleges, adult education offices and online degrees.

Financial Aid Resources – If you’re looking for assistance as a student this brochure provides a collection of websites that cover various interests and community foundations.

Resources for International Students – This pamphlet offers information for students pursuing degrees in the U.S. as well as those interested in learning English or obtaining a high school equivalency degree.

Training Programs in Health Occupations – A comprehensive list of training programs in health fields in Connecticut is provided here.

Job Search Hotlines & Websites – Discover major websites to help you search for employment opportunities with descriptions included.

Preparing for Life After High School – Geared towards middle and high school students this publication lists websites to aid with college planning. It covers topics such, as college entrance exams study skills tips, applying to college online and financial aid resources.
If you’re starting your career journey there are resources available to help you. These include websites that match your interests with careers websites that provide career exploration guidance for middle and high school students and detailed descriptions of different careers.